Battery Power For Small Scales - A Dream Fulfilled
Battery powered HO (or O, S ON30, etc) locomotive with wireless control has been a unfulfilled dream for many years.
Fortunately, advanced technology has provided the small batteries and miniature radio receivers to make this dream a reality.
Couple these advances with decoders that obey the NMRA-DCC standard and 100% battery power becomes an attractive alternative.
How Difficult Is It Install AIRWIRE In HO Locomotives?
The honest answer is, "It Depends." In fact, this two word answer is the answer to most questions regarding AIRWIRE in smaller scales.
For example, HO locomotives are crammed full of lead weights, electronics and flywheels.
There is no room for an AIRWIRE CONVRTR or a battery.
Therefore the obvious solution is to use a 2nd dummy locomotive or a piece of rolling stock behind the powered locomotive.
This will provide ample room for a decent size battery and the AIRWIRE CONVRTR.
Can I Use Any DCC Decoder?
Yes. Nearly all modern NMRA-DCC compliant decoders can be used.
Both USA and European NMRA-DCC compliant decoders can be used with AIRWIRE.
There are no modifications to the decoders.
What Do I Need To Get Started With AIRWIRE?
To convert a locomotive that already has a DCC encoder installed, there are 4 items required.
The first is the T6000 AIRWIRE throttle/programmer.
The second item is an AIRWIRE CONVRTR.
The third item is a suitable battery.
A suitable battery charger is the fourth item.
AIRWIRE Is Complete - No Need For Another DCC System
Your AIRWIRE T6000 throttle is used to set up your locomotive decoder.
There is no need to purchase or use another DCC system to program the desired functionality into your locomotive decoder.
Simplified Hookup Diagram for A Loco Already Equipped With a Sound Decoder
The red and black track pickup wires are disconnected from the wheels/chassis.
These two wires connect to the C15 OUTPUT.
The 11.1V battery connects to the C15 battery INPUT.
This is one of the easiest conversions since the DCC decoder is already installed in the locomotive.
The C15 and the battery are in a dummy locomotive or a boxcar.

Simplified Hookup Diagram for A Loco Without A DCC Decoder
If your locomotive doesn't have a preinstalled DCC decoder, and you don't need sound effects, you can use the AIRWIRE M15 motion decoder.
The M15 is a complete NMRA-DCC 1.5A motor drive decoder plus the AIRWIRE radio receiver.
With the addition of a suitable battery, your locomotive is ready to go.

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